Certified Innovation Management Professional (CIM) – Level1
Certified Innovation Manager (CIM) – Level2
Certified Innovation Management Consultant (CIM) – Level3
Innovation is the Strategic Driver of Business Survive & Thrive
Innovation Is An Ongoing Process — Not A Single Event
The process of managing a company’s innovation strategy, from the first step of ideation to the last stage of successful implementation, is referred to as innovation management. It includes the decisions, activities, and practices associated with creating and carrying out an innovation strategy.
Innovation management is a business discipline that tries to promote a sustainable innovation process or culture within a corporation. These innovative management projects frequently employ a disruptive way of transformation that changes the business.
Innovation as output could result in a product, platform, service, business model, channel, customer experience, enabling process or structure. This is achieved through a structured process of innovation that includes exploration and execution. Exploration involves generating ideas and selecting promising ideas.
Then, the CIM program is designed in complying with ISO Standards for innovation management practitioners, who aim to learn idea generation and implementation tools for breakthrough innovations. Innovation Management Certifications (CIM) apply these tools to create more and better innovative ideas, and tackle real-world challenges by generating new growth opportunities for the organization.
HRMI’s innovation experts designed the CIM program for individuals who are seeking up-to-date innovation knowledge and standards while mastering the tools and methodologies they’ll use in their organizations innovation initiatives.
The certification program has three levels:
Level 1 Professional: Learn the fundamentals of innovation, the tools you’ll need to successfully develop quality innovation ideas, and the skills you’ll need to achieve meaningful innovation results.
Level 2 Manager: Master the skills and tools you learned in Level 1 by applying them to solve a real-world issue or challenge and generate new innovation opportunities for a partner organization.
Level 3 Consultant: enhance innovation management consulting expertise by applying CIMBOK to solve a real-world issue or challenge and generate new innovation opportunities for your clients.
Requirements for the CIM Certification are:
- Hold an Academic degree,
- At least 4 years work experience ,
- Deliver Project Documentation
- Successful completion of the coursework requirement,
- ِِِِAgree to abide by the Code of Ethics established by the HRMI, and
- Successful completion of the CIM Exam
- For Certified Innovation Manager (CIM) – Level2 should hold Certification Level1 or its equivalent
- For Certified Innovation Management Consultant (CIM) – Level3 should hold Certification Level2 or its equivalent
Requirements for maintaining the CIM designation are:
- Maintain continuous membership with HRMI that is in good standing
- Meet the ongoing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirement
- Abide by the HRMI’s Constitution and HRMI’s Code of Ethics.
- Document experience on any of the following:
- Create an innovation system in a company
- Manage an innovation portfolio
- Write a white paper or a book
The program would be conducted in the English Language by one of HRMI-Registered Educational Centers (REC®).
The REC® has the qualifications necessary to offer this course. The course is delivered by certified HRM® instructors and has been carefully designed to achieve its goal.
CIM® Body of Knowledge
- Foundation Concept of Innovation, Business Innovation and Breakthrough Innovation
- Innovation Techniques
- Breakthrough Innovation Process
- Innovation Management theory and framework
- Innovation Strategy – why, when and where
- Innovation Capacity – process, people and resources
- Innovation Discipline – leadership, culture and metrics
Upon successful completion of the program, participants will be conferred the Certified Innovation Management (CIM) Professional / Manager/ Consultant by HR Management Institute (HRMI) and Professional Certificate in Innovation Management from Global University of Science & Technology (GUST)