Professional Human Resource Supply Chain Management (PHRSCM®)
We are providing unique professional program to bridging the gap between HR and Supply Chain education i.e. the bridge between 5M’s of Lean Enterprise: Manpower, Materials, Machines, Methods, and Money.
HRMI® is the first organization in the world to design and present the PHRSCM® program. The Human Resource Management Institute holds all intellectual property rights to proudly provides HRSCM® program throughout the world.
Supply chain management (SCM) is the integration of key business processes from suppliers, which provide products, services and information that add value, through to the end user. SCM has, as a result, an essential human dimension that emphasizes the communication and cooperation that takes place between all parties making up the
supply chain (SC). The success of SCM depends on the actions of individuals within the firms that form part of the SC. The HRM plays a key role as a support and as a mechanism for operationalizing responsibilities and relationships within the SCM.
The HRSCM program is designed to achieve three main objectives:
- Provide participants with a fundamental understanding of contemporary Human Resource Supply Chain Management best practices.
- Provide participants with a set of tools in order to conceptualize problems and develop solutions to Human Resource Supply Chain Management issues.
- Respond to and meet the demands of public and private sector organizations for Human Resource Supply Chain Management leadership.
- Use of real-world examples, case studies and exercises
- Interactive participation and discussion
- PowerPoint presentation and smart board
- Each participant receives a binder containing a copy of the training material.
Participant must obtain a grade of at least PASS (65%) in participation and examination to be eligible to receive the Professional Human Resource Supply Chain Management (HRSCM®) Certification by the Human Resource Management Institute (HRMI®). Furthermore, the participant will be eligible to receive the equivalent Professional Diploma in Supply Chain Management by Georgian College Canada. The college was established during the formation of Ontario’s college system in 1967 and recognized by UNESCO Universities Database. Georgian also ranked number two among all Canadian colleges and universities, and number three in the world with ISB survey.