ATC List
HRMI® Human Resources Management Institute is the world leading professional body for the human resource management profession. It is a United States of America 501(c) international nongovernmental organization operating globally with registered educational centers (REC) worldwide extend seamless access to high quality, affordable and convenient learning opportunities as well as global knowledge transfer network throughout HRMI® headquarters. Its has always believed that success is never a solo act and thus we are keen on partnering with the largest and most prominent organizations both locally and internationally. From sustainable development initiatives to innovative HR solutions and services, our board of governors with the president are creating and maintaining successful partnerships.
Then, HRMI®– ATCs are organizations that we have approved to provide the preparatory courses for the HRMI certifications and issue professional development units (PDUs) to meet the continuing education requirements needed by HRMI credential holders. The following are our prominent Accredited Training Center (ATC) & Partners that have shared the mission of “partners in success” with HRMI®
- International Organization for Educational Development
- American Academy of Project Management
- Academy of Universal Global Peace
- American Certification Institute
- American University for Leaders
- African Agency for Integrated Development
- Concepts College London
- Chartered Institute of Project Management
- Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management
- Chartered Institute of Environmental Health & Safety Management
- College of Supply Chain Management
- Council of Arab Economic Unity League of Arab States
- Experts Training Center, Egypt
- Institute of Management Consultants
- Institute of Business Development
- Indo-OIC-Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- National Federation of Energy & Sustainable Development
- St Clements Education Group
- The University of America
- Tridy Consultancy & Training – Doha, Qatar
- The Arab African Council for Integration & Development
- The International Royal Academy of the United Nations
- The International Human Rights Observer
- The Arab Federation For Industrial Exports Development
- The Arab Federation For Chemicals & Petrochemicals Industries
- The Arab European Federation for Training, Arbitration & Dispute Resolution
- The Institute of Customer Relationship Management
- West Coast Institute of Management & Technology
- World Fund for Development and Planning