The Human Resources Management Institute (HRMI), celebrated the professional graduation ceremony of a new batch for a group of executive Managers has taken place first time in Bujumbura City, Republic of Burundi.
More than 50 graduates were students in professional education & certifications for HR Management and Project & Contract Management programs in the Bujumbura City. These programs conducted by the Global University of Science & Technology (GUST) in partnership with Burundi Business Finance & Management Institute (BBFM) to award the Certified Human Resources Manager (CHRM) and Certified Project & Contract Management Professional (PCMP) by HRMI at the end of the programs upon completion the examinations successfully.
The Minister of Public Service, Labour and Employment official representative, CEO’s of the top financial institutions, the Chairman of BBFM, as well as important figures, and some of the media professionals & journalists participated in our professional graduation ceremony. The Minister official representative expressed his gratitude to the GUST for providing a high-quality professional education to all students in the programs. Mr. Jean Léonard Bigirimana, the Chairman of BBFM indicates that BBFM stands for professional trainings and consulting, “committed to support other organizations, institutions, and business management, how to be equipped with capacities in their daily activities that they are running.” Conducted for the first time in Burundi by BBFM in partnership with the Global University of Science & Technology (GUST) Human Resource Management Institute (HRMI), He confides that the graduates were learned in human resource management and project and contract management. “Both professional programs were delivered to different participants from different institutions namely banks, insurance companies, enterprises and even independent consultants who need to broaden their knowledge related to the good management. We delivered international certificates to the graduates; it means the certificates are globally recognized.” Therefore, Jean Leonard announces that the 2nd round for these professional programs are scheduled from June 19, 2023. Also he thanks the employers who sent their employees to this professional programs and promises that their investment will bear fruit because, he concluded, those who succeed better find success where others leave. Finally, He invited everyone inside and outside Burundi who needs to develop his/her skills and understanding in different domains especially in human resources management and project management to participate in this second round.”
For his part, Prof. Dr. Mohamed G. Kafafy, President of HRMI and GUST , congratulated the graduates for their commitment and effective participations during the programs from the beginning till graduation. “The courses contents and examinations were not easy but fortunately almost all of you succeeded. For those who didn’t pass, there still a second round and reexaminations in June 2023. Also, said that the Human is the foundation of any development, therefore we have to develop Human Resources and then Human Resources develop everything. Most African countries have everything they need to develop such as manpower and all natural resources, but we only have issue in the resources management. Then, our management professional programs aiming to management development to provide working professionals with global competencies standards at different industries to manage their organizational resources efficiently & effectively.
One of the professional graduates, Mrs. Fleurette Nimubona, the head of human resources management at Ecobank Burundi, tells how beneficial she found the training program. “I have experience in human resources management. I was able to put theories on what I was doing in my daily activities and the most important I got as an added value is that I will be able now to convince others like human resources managers how their support is very important in the human resources management. Getting the international certificate is for her more than a pride. “It is different from a diploma; it is different from a degree from school. This is to certify that in the domain of the human resources management that one has skills, capabilities. It is an added value for now I will have more confidence in my work”. Fleurette invites others who would like to be equipped with skills in human resources to partake in the forthcoming program. “The human resources capital is very important. The owners of the companies are waiting for a return on the investment. You cannot be able to give this return on investment if you’re not equipped to do that. So, I would like to call everyone to join this program which is coming again in June. It is an opportunity which is given to us as Burundians. We got the opportunity to learn many things from a highly competent professor and for a very affordable price. Please don’t miss it, otherwise it will cost you more than today”